Annually, during Lent, we focus more intently on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. We have in the past through our collective efforts, prayed 1756 additional Rosaries and performed 1040 hours of service.
We track our service hours. For every hour of service donated, drop a coin in the barrel in Gathering Space. We are also going to track our 1% challenge! Cards will be available in the Gathering Space to help you stay on track. For every day that you spend 15 minutes in prayer and reflection, drop a coin in the barrel.
How do I pray with God’s Word? (Lectio Divina)

Read: Read the passage slowly, possibly out loud, listening for a word, phrase, or image that
standouts out to you, that God might be calling to your attention. Repetition is good; re-read passage
2 or 3 more times.
Reflect: Let your mind ponder the passage or the word/phase/image that stands out to you. Think
about the setting imagining the event, put yourself in the story as one of the by-standers or main
characters of the event.
Respond and Resolve: Begin a conversation with God. Talk to God as you would a trusted friend.
Ask God to show you how this passage applies to you and where you need his renewal in your life.
If appropriate, write down an application to your life from your mediation. Ask God to empower
you to live it out.
Rest: Words in prayer are helpful and necessary, but as in any close relationship silence is also
important and necessary. Spend a few minutes in restful silence, allow God room to work in you in
ways that you may not perceive.