The live Mass streams times are:
Monday – 6:45 pm
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday – 8:30 am
Saturday-8:30 (1st Sat. of the month) & 3:00 pm (Vigil)
Sunday – 9:00 & 11:30 am
Today’s Mass and All previous Masses are available on-demand, 24/7.
You can watch Mass and Church events live or on demand. The left video is for the Masses, and the right video (Padcaster) is for classes and Mass+…
Instructions on finding an event or specific Mass
1. Click on the “Play” button for live streaming in the center of the video.
2. Click on Previous Broadcast for Masses (in the left video) or classes (in the right video) to see previous masses or presentations on demand.
3. Watch the video by clicking on the text with date/time.