Update: It’s here!! 
The number one challenge that every church faces today is how do we get our young families and youth involved in the life of the parish. St. Ann is no different. During our Engagement Process, this challenge was identified as our greatest challenge by a wide margin.
The reality of this challenge is that the Parish used to be the center of all activities 25 years ago and before, and it was not an issue. In the 2000’s, there became a ton of other alternatives that took the focus of a Catholic family away from the Parish. Some major changes that effected families, are that both parents are working, select sports teams took over for community teams, Catholic Education was starting to get expensive and many more factors.
As we investigated this challenge, we discovered one common request from our youth and young families – “we need a place that we can call ours and be able to do stuff.” The Pavilion is that place here at St. Ann. The building is in full use already. We kicked it off with a dedication and blessing. Ice cream social, graduation party, Hispanic Ministry Anniversary party, Men’s Association socials and our newest ministry – Lunch and Prayer – ladies meet to pray together, pray along the prayer walk, have lunch and socialize. They meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at noon.
Yes, the Pavilion is available to rent, by parishioners only, as long as the schedule allows.
For more information or if you wish to donate toward the many little things we need to complete the extras, please contact Tim Clifford at 521-8440 or tclifford@saintannparish.org