Beacons of Light (Follow-up)

Even though we know our new Pastor for our Parish Family is Fr. Jim Wedig, and our Associates are Fr. Rey Taylor and Fr. Bryan Reif, there are still many unanswered questions and we will continue to update you as we know more details. You may recall a few months ago, Fr. McCarthy hosted a … Continued

Lent is Around the Corner

On March 2 we will begin the season of Lent, fasting and abstinence. This year, back by popular demand, we will offer our Drive-Thru Fish Fry each Friday during Lent, outside of the Blessed Mother Hall. Stations of the Cross will begin at 7pm in church. Check out upcoming bulletins for more details. After Stations … Continued

Final Parish Families Announced

It is official!  The final Parish Families have been released.  We are happy to say that our new family (Southwest 5) includes: St. Ann, St. Bernard, St. James and St. Margaret Mary!  The link to the maps are at: The Pastors of the families will not be released until the first quarter of 2022.  … Continued

Beacon of Light – Parish Families Announced (Draft)

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has released the draft of “Parish Families.”  You are encouraged to take a look at the Families and if you have a comment, follow the links to the AoC website. St. Ann is teamed up with St. James (White Oak) and St. Margaret Mary.  We looked forward to working with everyone … Continued

Beacons of Light Update

The Archdiocese recently released a video featuring Archbishop Schnurr discussing The Beacons of Light.  It is very informative and he answers several questions that everyone is asking.  It is definitely worth viewing.  Follow the link or go to and scroll to the Beacons of Light logo and watch the video there.

July 5th ~ Schedule Change

On Monday, July 5th, Mass will be at 8:30 a.m. No Confessions and no evening Mass that day. The parish office will be closed in recognition of Independence Day. The office will open at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, July 6th.