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Over the last several months, we have been working with some of our ministries to assess their needs, structure, membership, purpose and how they are carrying out the mission statement of St. Ann. We are currently working with the St. Ann Men’s Association/Men’s Retreat and the Ladies Retreat (formerly CRHP) ministry. You have seen some changes in the Men’s Association offerings over the last months. All men of the parish are members and we encourage you to join one of their offerings for fellowship, service and social. We recently sent out information about the group and will be sending out a survey next week and we strongly encourage all men to please take just a few minutes to give us your feedback.

The Ladies Retreat will be back this fall! Watch for information in the coming weeks. This retreat has been modified over the last several years to better fit the needs of the ladies of St. Ann. We have recently formed a Leadership Team to look at what other offerings we can provide for the ladies of St. Ann. Watch for information coming out and opportunities to be involved in the process. They too, will be looking for your input for ministry ideas in the future. Please take the time to share your wisdom and ideas when the time comes.