In today’s reading from the letter of St. James we are urged to be “doers” of the Gospel, not just listeners. Being a “steward” of God’s Word is a matter of listening to the Good News, embracing the Good News and putting the Good News into action in our day-to-day lives. And
whenever we are uncertain as to what decisions to make or actions to take as good stewards of the Gospel, St. James reminds us: We can never go wrong if we resist popular values that are not compatible with the Gospel, and we come to the aid of those who are burdened, distressed and poor. Our Neighborhood Network is a tool in order to allow us an avenue to live out our stewardship as a “doer” and spread the Good News. It is much easier to get out there when it is done as a community, as a neighborhood. Let’s embrace this opportunity as it is about to present itself. The opportunities to be a good steward will be many and they will offer you the chance to put your God-given talents into good use. At our Mass+… presentation on Sunday we will talk more in detail about those opportunities and how it will affect you and your neighborhood. The Neighborhood Network will allow your entire family to be involved and what better way of teaching our faith to our children and grandchildren than thru action that includes them. We have many forms of outreach planned but we are always looking for your input so join us at Mass+… if you can or contact the parish office to share your thoughts.