I don’t know about you all, but I am really tired of people trying to legitimize sin and their absorption and promotion of it by trying to separate their religion and the beliefs and teachings they are bound and required to be committed to by stating that their private moral and religious duties are not tied to their public and political ones. That notion is absolutely absurd and a just a gigantic cop out. That is like saying that we can separate our body from our soul. The only time that our bodies and souls will be separated is at death, and at that point, we WILL be judged, and our souls will go to a place determined by the choices that we have made or have failed to make in this lifetime. Our choices as Catholics to follow the dictates of the One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. God has given each of us a holy mission, it is up to us to embrace that mission to further his Kingdom or to apostatize that mission and revel in the glories associated with choices made for this Earthly and Temporal Kingdom, the one ruled by Satan.
Our Choices made to turn a blind eye to our brothers and sisters in need, and to those of us who are the most vulnerable and at risk, put our salvation at risk and do not bring Glory to God’s Kingdom. There is no person that is more at risk and vulnerable in our society than the unborn. I know that many of us want to claim that immigrants and other special interest groups are more vulnerable in our society, especially those who advocate the killing of innocent babies, but that simply is not true. There is not one class of people on this Earth more vulnerable than preborn babies. The failure to recognize this is at the very core of the failure to recognize the plights and struggles of any and all groups of vulnerable persons. Our viewpoint and reason has been marred and screwed by vice, selfishness, pride and arrogance. So many of us don’t look at a single issue anymore with objective and rational logic. We just simply cave to the ideology that suits us the best, and that fits our own wills and desires. We sell out Christ in efforts to forward out own agendas and wants and we fail those who need us the most and who Christ preached and taught us to protect and love. When we do this we fail God’s Kingdom and ignore our own role in that Kingdom. We leave Christ and follow our own pursuits of false glory and what could ultimately be damnation.
If we fail and are not willing to protect the unborn, then we will be unable to protect anyone or anything else. Protection of the unborn is the most natural and moral instinct we have, and when we suppress it for the unnatural and immoral desires and vices that darken our hearts, we become unable to realistically follow any course that would lead to rational goodness for anyone else.
It all starts right there. Abortion is the number one problem that we have in this world and country. Our desire and willingness to offer human sacrifices to the gods of selfishness, vanity and self-indulgence are mere symptoms of the evils that are born and thrive in hearts hardened by a lack of trust and faith in an all powerful and loving Heavenly Father. It is a malignant disgusting disease that is so powerfully infected within so many of us and breeds with a frenzy that is demonic. Is it surprising that such a perverted and distorted ideology would be defended in lies, slander and the further destruction of life by defaming individuals and groups that dare to stand for Christ, the Church and Truth? Honestly, this is not surprising at all, it makes absolute sense. Hate can only be fought with love, and love will always be fought with hatred and violence. It is all that hatred knows.
Those of us who love Christ, must stand with Him in this fight, it is truly a fight to the death. The death of the soul is the true tragedy in all of this though, and a death that so many of our “catholic” brothers and sisters fail to recognize or admit. Hopefully there is some part of the heart that can be reached and softened before it is too late, for them and for all those so desperately in need of mercy, both human and divine, but mostly divine.
We can all join in the fight for the softening of hearts and mercy for the unborn, it is this mercy that can save the world, and then in turn save many eternal souls. Pray, pray and then pray some more, our world has never been more in need of this powerful intercession and intervention. There is a reason that we have been instructed to pray without ceasing, because the power off prayer is the weapon of the spirit, and the true repellent of evil, sin and Satan.