Grow your faith in Jesus’ Presence
We know God exists everywhere and we are always in his presence. We also know our lives are so busy we do not always see him. We know God is always talking to us but we do not always hear him. And, we know God is always trying to touch our lives but we cannot always feel him.
Our Lenten preparation is complete and we have celebrated Jesus’ sacrifice for us at Easter. We should continue to remind ourselves of Jesus’ gift after the excitement of celebrating Easter and throughout the rest of the year – to be with God, hear God and feel his presence at Eucharistic Exposition.
“Our communal worship at Mass must go together with our personal worship of Jesus in Eucharistic adoration in order that our love may be complete.” (Pope John Paul II, Redeemer of Man) Many people know Eucharistic Exposition begins when Father McCarthy places the Eucharist in the Monstrance and displays it on the altar for us to see. The Eucharist is a miracle, the very presence of God.
“And, he is waiting for us. He is waiting for us to come to him at Easter, each week at Mass and we also have the opportunity to go to him at Eucharistic Exposition. He wants us to come to him. He waits for our Acts of faith, adoration, love, thanksgiving, repentance, reparation and charity that we can offer as we contemplate His Divine Majesty in the Blessed Sacrament. (Pope John Paul II)
You can join us in Eucharistic Exposition to contemplate the greatness of his presence, his infinite love and in your prayer prepare yourself. How would you spend that hour in prayer? Reflect on the blessings in your life. Read from the literature available to those attending exposition. Say the rosary thinking about the words you pray to be Mary so she will intercede for us. Or, simply gaze upon the monstrance and speak to God.
“The Eucharist is Jesus truly present – Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity! At the moment of Consecration, during the Mass, the “gifts” of bread and wine are transformed (transubstantiated) into the actual Body and Blood of Christ, at the Altar. This means that they are not only spiritually transformed, but rather are actually (substantially) transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ.”
He will be there for you to see him, feel him and hear him. Is there really any other place that can capture your imagination and turn it into an appreciation for God’s presence re-vitalizing your faith?
Join us at Eucharistic Exposition to renew your faith in God’s presence; Thursday 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM with Sacrament of Reconciliation 5:30 to 6:00 and Benediction is at 6:45 PM, Also, Eucharistic Exposition is Saturday 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM