Do you still need a safety deposit box?

In this digital age, some folks think the safe deposit box to be a relic. But there are documents that need to be the original and are not accepted in pdf form or photocopies, and items that need to be kept offsite. The documents and items to keep in the safe deposit include: Social Security Card, birth, marriage, and death certificates, paper stock … Continued


SAVE THE DATES FOR UPCOMING FAITH FORMATION EVENTS: Genesis to Jesus: Thu., June 6 | 7:00 pm | Trinity Rooms Lectio: Philippians: Mon., June 10 | 7:30pm | Trinity Rooms Genesis to Jesus: Thu., June 13 | 7:00pm | Trinity Rooms Lectio: Philippians: Mon., June 17 | 7:30pm | Trinity Rooms Genesis to Jesus: Thu., June 20 | 7:00pm | Trinity … Continued

We are grateful! St. Vincent de Paul 1st Quarter Report

In the Gospel, Jesus says to us “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.” During the 1st Quarter of 2019 (January, February, March), through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul brought the love and care of Jesus to the poor by assisting 109 families, providing 142 bags of food and $11,646.00 for utility & rent bills. The members of … Continued

Meet Chuck and Joanne Thiemann, St. Ann’s newest parishioners!

Meet Chuck and Joanne Thiemann Chuck and Joanne Thiemann are St. Ann’s newest parishioners! Both were born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky as cradle Catholics. This is a second marriage for both of them, going on 13 years Chuck and his family moved to Cincinnati in 1964; Joanne and her family in 1970. Between them, there are 9 children, 17 grandchildren … Continued

A Note from Our Pastor ~ Future Improvements and Enhancements

Did you notice the new monstrance or, rather, a very old one (1870’s) that was used during our recent 40 Hours? It was purchased from gifts left to the parish this past year for the purpose of enhancing the beauty and reverence of the worship space. As part of this, we will be adding two candles on … Continued

Legacy Garden and Church Entrance

As we told everyone and wrote about several times, the Legacy Garden work started this past week. The removing of the pavers and Renew Tree also took place. To refresh your memory, the tree had to be removed due to the damage the roots were causing on the pavers. It was becoming a serious safety issue. The pavers … Continued

A Note from Father McCarthy: Future Improvements and Enhancements

Did you notice the new monstrance, or rather, a very old one (1870’s) hat was used during our recent 40 Hours? It was purchased from gifts left to the parish this past year for the purpose of enhancing the beauty and reverence of the worship space. As part of this, we will be adding two candles on the … Continued

A New Ministry at Saint Ann’s Parish: The Saint Joseph Society

We are in the process of bringing a new service ministry to St. Ann. It will be known as the: St. Joseph Society. The St. Joseph Society will be open to everyone who can give of their time and talents, mostly their time. This ministry will be targeted to assist our parishioners and those in the community with assistance in any … Continued

GPS and the science of generosity

A 2017 WebMD article reported that new research science suggests that generosity really is its own reward, with the brain seemingly hardwired for happiness in response to giving. Scientists in Switzerland used brain scans to track activity in the brain regions associated with socializing, decision-making and happiness. They found that even small acts of generosity – or just promising to be … Continued