Your Time in the Desert

“And at once the Spirit drove Jesus into the desert and he remained there for forty days and was put to the test by Satan. He was with the wild animals, and the angels looked after him” (Mark 1:12-13). The season of Lent is quickly approaching and these forty days leading up to Easter make … Continued

So, who is getting the vocation cup this weekend

Your Prayers Make A Difference…  The Vocation Chalice travels among parishioners and reminds us to pray for vocations. We want to thank all parishioners for receiving the chalice and their prayers. You can join in prayers for vocation and can also have the chalice at your home. To receive the Vocation Chalice: contact Claudia Sajnog, … Continued

Calling All Children by Mary Kickel

Advent is upon us, and our Music Director, Chris Schaljo is working on the programming for our Christmas Concert. This year the concert takes place on Friday December 29th at 7:00 p.m. We hope that every single school aged child in our congregation sings in this concert. There is also the opportunity for children to … Continued

Don’t Start Christmas without Advent: Here’s Everything You Need to Know!

November 24, 2017 By Gretchen Filz (Sharing this article from  ©  The Catholic Company; ) WHAT IS ADVENT? Advent is the beginning of a new liturgical year for the Catholic Church. The date for the beginning of Advent falls each year on the Sunday closest to November 30th – the feast day of Saint Andrew the Apostle. Advent … Continued

Christy’s Calendar Corner: Parenting is hard and we want to help

Parenting is hard. Raising your children in the Faith is daunting. We are here to help! You’ve heard it so many times: ‘parents are the primary educators of the faith for their children’ and ‘the home is the domestic church.’ Join us for our first Parent Formation Night: Parents, You are Necessary Presented by Brad Bursa Dir. Of Youth … Continued

Ways to be extra grateful this Thanksgiving (and every day): 

Write it down. Remember the less fortunate. First thing in the morning say “thank-you”. Change one habit and routine that re-awakens our vitality and spontaneity. Say it aloud: tell the people in your life that you love them and are thankful for them.

“Listen in”: Gangland to Promised Land

(Are you  registered for your FREE FORM membership (your Catholic Netflix)? If not, go to and register with the code 81f12b) One Man’s Journey from the Criminal Underworld to Christ: John Pridmore He was a serious “face” in London’s East End. His Jackets were tailored to hold his machete and knuckledusters. His drug deals made … Continued

“Spirit of Adoption”

What is the difference between our faith and every other faith? We call God “Abba” – “Father.” Christ reveals this truth to us, and because of Christ’s life, death, resurrection, and ascension we are able and made to be in relationship with our Heavenly Father. Romans 8:14 “For those led by the Spirit of God … Continued