Fr McCarthy Homily: Jesus experienced our temptations .
A terrific homily by Father McCarthy for Lent. Jesus shows us his humanity as he fasts and prepares himself for his ministry and his willingness to be tempted by the devil.
A terrific homily by Father McCarthy for Lent. Jesus shows us his humanity as he fasts and prepares himself for his ministry and his willingness to be tempted by the devil.
The Real Presence: The Eucharist in Scripture Dr. Scott Hahn presents this video series which shares the scriptural basis for our belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. A recent poll of Catholics found that as many as 69% of self-professed Catholics believe that the Eucharist is merely a symbol. This stat … Continued
Greetings! As we begin the season of Lent, you probably noticed a few changes in our Liturgy. Various parts of the Mass are being sung acapella, which means “no accompaniment.” The music within our Liturgy is much more subdued and simple to help us refocus our minds and hearts. As we chant these responses and parts of … Continued
This year’s 40 Days for Life runs February 26 – April 5. If you would like to join us in praying for the end of abortion, feel free to meet in the St. Ann front parking lot at 10:30 a.m. every Friday and carpool to Planned Parenthood. We will pray during the hour of 11:00 … Continued
St. Ann extends our prayers and sympathy to the families of: Lucien (Butch) Guy and Barbara Schiele. May the souls of the faithful departed Through the mercy of God Rest in peace. Amen
Let’s Keep The Message of the Christmas Season in our Hearts and Minds this whole year.
Fr McCarthy’s homily honors Mary our Mother who said YES. Let’s keep the Christmas message in our hearts. Just click the following link to listen in:
Let’s keep the Christmas message in our hearts. This actually may be the best time to reflect when we have time to relax. Fr McCarthy describe the challenges facing the Holy Family.
The Christmas season is over and many will give a sigh of relief from the busy time. Let’s keep Christmas message in our hearts, though. This actually may be the best time to reflect when we have time to relax. Let’s listen to Father McCarthy’s Christmas message again.
Many of us spend weeks thinking about and shopping for just the right gift for our families and friends. We want to give something meaningful, thoughtful and practical, especially for a Christmas gift. This year, we invite you to start your shopping in our parish store, located in the Hospitality Room. We have a variety of books, jewelry, rosaries, visor clips, polo shirts, fleece … Continued