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Living as stewards is an on-going process of conversion. As disciples who are committed to living our lives as good stewards, we must constantly be attentive to ways we are called to give and share. This is a process of discernment, in which we take stock of the ways we have been blessed and the gifts we have been given, and then consider what and how we are called to give back, as a grateful response to God. As we noted in last month’s article, we who are stewardship leaders not only discern the stewardship call in our personal lives, but also for the life of our faith community Discernment is more than simply deciding something. Discernment is a process that is carried out through prayer, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the wisdom, encouragement, and challenge of other faith filled companions. In our personal lives, we prayerfully determine how much money to give to our parish or diocese or to a Catholic outreach organization, and we give much thought to what ministries need our time. We may talk with our spouse, good friend, or fellow parishioner as we consider what is appropriate and how we are called to sacrifice. Our discernment is a reflection of our growing relationship with Christ and a response to Christ’s call to love and serve.