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We’ve all heard, “the family that prays together stays together,” but how do we put that plan in motion? Most families say Grace before meals, but what else can we do?
Consider saying a Rosary. The Rosary is a wonderful way to ask for God’s help and Mary’s intercession. You may find it difficult to pray the rosary since our attention spans seem to be shorter these days. Through technology, commercials and video games, we are accustomed to being stimulated almost continually, which lessens our ability to concentrate. So how can you and your family, pray the rosary together? One way to be successful is to pray one Rosary over the course of a week. Begin on Sunday with the opening prayers: The Sign of the Cross, the Apostles Creed, the Our Father, the three Hail Marys and Glory Be. Monday through Friday, pray one decade each day. On Saturday, pray the concluding prayers: the Hail, Holy Queen, final prayer, prayers for the Pope’s intention, and the Sign of the Cross. Over the course of the week, your family can pray one full Rosary while spending less than ten minutes a day.