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Do you remember this question from your Catechism:  Why did God make you?  Do you remember the answer?  “God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in heaven”.

The Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) for men can help re-energize your spiritual growth.  It is men of St. Ann Parish in fellowship striving to know and to sincerely love and serve Christ.  It is the opportunity to move from the scholarly Catechism answer to a spiritual life that embodies the answer.

“Since participating in CRHP, I have grown from a check-off Catholic to being a man who truly lives the Catholic faith.  The personal joy I have experienced is not just my own.  As brothers in Christ, we share each other’s joy that comes from a more complete spiritual life.  In addition, my wife of 48 years has seen a transformation in me. She is full of joy knowing that we are one in striving to know, love and serve Christ.”  – Ron

The men of St. Ann Parish can help you experience the joy in personally knowing Christ and each other.  Watch for announcements of your renewal weekend this fall.