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At our recent Parish Convocation, those in attendance broke out into small groups and offered ways to Solve the Challenges. We are putting together all the ideas and solutions that were brought forth. We wanted to share the 6 Challenges that we are addressing:

  1. How can we engage and encourage the young families of our parish, and those who do not attend church in the area, to come to Mass and be involved? What can we offer to make it easier for young families to become more involved and, as a result, engage their children in the Faith?
  2. How can St. Ann better engage the youth of our parish as they move from adolescence into adulthood (i.e. ages 20-30), to ensure their participation as adults?
  3. How can St. Ann parish best prepare itself for changes, such as in the structure and alignment of multiple parishes to one parish, which will eventually happen? How do we make sure that St. Ann remains open and continues to be vibrant? How do we enhance our current successes: Mass+… and educational opportunities?
  4. How can St. Ann better focus on service and mission, thus making a more positive impact on the surrounding community, including our diverse groups within the parish?
  5. How can we strengthen or improve our current ministries? What ministries do we need to develop that we do not currently have?
  6. St. Ann has been described as a “welcoming parish,” but what does a welcoming parish look like? How can we become a more welcoming, hospitable, and inviting parish?

In case you couldn’t make it to the Convocation, we would still like to hear from you. Feel free to submit how you think we can Solve the Challenges. Send your ideas to tclifford@saintannparish .org. We will be publishing more from the Convocation in the near future.