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Based on the feedback from the parish convocation last fall, we have instituted Mass+, which incorporates meeting the challenges our parish is presented. One of the top challenges presented is offering programs to engage young adults and families. Two of the main challenges facing young families are time restraint and child care. Our solution gives parents an opportunity to participate in a class,
activity or discussion while their child attends babysitting or a special activity of their own.

The Babysitting Ministry is comprised of Virtus* trained, volunteer adults and teens who provide safe and caring supervision for infants and young children up to age 5 during the 9:00 am and 11:30 am Mass, so parents can fully participate in the Mass without distraction, if they choose. Children are always welcome at Mass, but sometimes circumstances occur where babysitting may be helpful to parents
attending Mass. Babysitting will also be available during most Mass+ activities.

Babysitting services are provided in Room 4 of the school hallway. There will be a sign-in/sign-out table each week as parents take advantage of the service. Preregistration is not required. Parents have two options for the service: the Gold Option provides service during the 9:00am or 11:30am Mass along with the Mass+ activity. Your child would stay in the Babysitting Program for a little over 2 hours. The Silver Option provides service during the 9:00am or 11:30am Mass.

Service times are

Early Mass: 8:30am -10:15am (Silver Option)
Early Mass & Mass+: 8:30am-11:30am (Gold Option)
Mass+ & Late Mass: 10:00am-12:45pm (Gold Option)
Late Mass: 11:00am-12:45pm (Silver Option)

Teens: Last month, the students who attended the Totus Tuus camp enjoyed the program so much, they requested to keep it going. This new ministry is open to teens from 7th through 12th grade. The group will be led by young adult facilitators along with input from a teen activity board. The group will focus on engaging discussions, prayer opportunities, games and activities while growing in the Catholic
faith. The teens will meet during the Mass+ time in the Blessed Mother Hall on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.

The Saint Ann Bakers

New this year is a ministry dedicated to sharing and preparing those wonderful, passed-through the generations, recipes. The St. Ann Bakers will provide homemade cookies, brownies, breads and pastries throughout the year for various events.

Make sure to stop by the Hospitality rooms during Mass+ and enjoy a sample of love from your fellow parishioner’s oven!
Help us Grow! Based on your feedback through the engagement process, we are looking for volunteers to help facilitate the following new potential groups listed below. If you are interested in any of these groups, please contact Cindy Withrow or Claudia Sajnog at the
parish office (513-521-8440). We are hoping to have new groups in place early next year.

Veterans Prayer Group Grief Support
Mom’s Group Dad’s Group Widows/Widowers
Empty Nesters Young Adults