Stewardship Reflections at the Turn of the Year…

I would like to suggest something different this New Year. As stewards we talk about and live gratitude; we strive to make that foundational in our lives. We are thankful for all we have received and we have a great desire to give. But do we make opportunities for others to give? Are we receptive to their giving? … Continued

Saint Ann Wine and Dine January 19th

Treat yourself (and your spouse or special guest) to a lovely evening at St. Ann’s Monsignor Lunn Parish Center on January 19 at our annual Wine & Dine. Enjoy wines selected to complement our specially prepared four-course meal. This extraordinary event will provide you with the opportunity to relax, enjoy the company of your friends and to escape postholiday stress. Your first pour will be … Continued


Now that we have all lived through one tax filing season under the new tax law changes, it’s time to one again reemphasize the effectiveness of utilizing your IRA distributions as the preferred vehicle to make your 2019 charitable contributions. The dramatic increase in the standard deduction likely lessened the number of taxpayers who were able to itemize … Continued

Volunteers Needed

We are in need of volunteers for the following areas listed below on Sunday mornings. A few months ago we introduced the new Welcome and Hospitality Ministry which includes greeters, hospitality center stewards and babysitters. A number of parishioners stepped forward to volunteer to help. Many of these volunteers are excited to help, but would also like to participate and enjoy Mass+…activities … Continued

We are grateful to all who participated in the “One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign”

A sincere Thank You to everyone who has supported the One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati continues to collect the pledge payments and has recently transferred $14,183.92 into our parish account. Because of your generosity, St. Ann parish has received a total of $127,770.33 from the One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign, and we have directed those dollars to … Continued

Thank you for attending the Update & Input sessions as a part of Mass+….

On the first weekend, we provided everyone there with an update of how the engagement process worked and shared the seven challenges that St. Ann faces based on the information collected from all the surveys and discussion groups and how we are working toward solving them. The second session was a sharing of ideas and answering questions from the parishioners. We were very … Continued

See photos from our Saint Ann 65th Anniversary dinner

Many thanks to everyone who supported the St. Ann Annive sary Dinner last Saturday. We had a great time celebrating the 65th anniversary of the founding of our parish, with good company, good food, good music,  and a lot of laughs. Now, it’s time to plan for the next 65 years! Thanks to all who made this evening so enjoyable, … Continued

Did You Know…

. . . that you can sign up for a Kroger rewards card and Online Giving in the Hospitality Room? It’s as easy as stopping by either before or after Sunday Mass, and takes only a few minutes. With the Kroger Community Rewards program, you can designate St. Ann to receive points every time you shop! These … Continued