Check out our new ministries

The Babysitting Ministry is comprised of Virtus* trained, volunteer adults and teens who provide safe and caring supervision for infants and young children up to age 5 during the 9:00 am and 11:30 am Mass, so parents can fully participate in the Mass without distraction, if they choose. Children are always welcome at Mass, but sometimes circumstances occur … Continued


PARISH FEEDBACK AND DISCUSSION The parish-wide convocation was a huge success. We had over 700 parishioners provide input on how they feel we are doing as a parish. They shared what we do well, where we need to improve and, frankly, where we drop the ball. Taking all of the details from the convocation into consideration, we created 4 implementation teams to address … Continued

Calling All Babysitters!

Do you enjoy working with kids? Does your high school student need service hours? All volunteers are welcome to take part. As you have heard from Father McCarthy, planning for the Mass + experience is well underway. In addition to offering many new programs to enhance our Catholic identity and deepen our faith, we are offering babysitting during … Continued

Renew Tree & Legacy Garden

As we have mentioned previously, the Renew Tree’s roots are popping up some of the pavers on the plaza entering church, creating a safety issue (and an ugly orange cone). We are going to have to remove the tree and roots from that area in the very near future. We will be moving the dedication stone into either … Continued

It has been five years the Hispanic Ministry has been part of St. Ann parish

It has been five years since Father McCarthy said yes to a Latino man’s request, “Can we have a place at St. Ann to pray and worship our Lord?” Many parishioners have ancestors who immigrated to the U.S. a long time ago. At that time, churches were built for each nationality – German, English, Irish, Italian, and the like.  Today, individual … Continued

Saint Ann Legacy Society

As a parish, we come together to celebrate the sacraments, we grow in our faith together and we go forth to spread the Good News. St Ann has been doing this for nearly 65 years with your support. Our challenge for the future is to be able to secure and strengthen that legacy. We have been able … Continued


Lord Jesus, We journey with you this Lenten season, through prayer, fasting and almsgiving, ever closer to Jerusalem, ever closer to your death on the cross. We hear your words: “Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me,” but we are unsure of their meaning, or anxious about their true intent. Through the power of your Spirit, give us the … Continued

Stewardship: A way of life

In this past Sunday’s Gospel, we hear proclaimed the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. He teaches. He heals. And all are amazed. By their baptism, Christian stewards realize they are called to do the same in their lives. They are called to be the light of Christ each day. As we bring closure to the beginning of this … Continued

Tim’s Topics: Gift of Treasure

What do you treasure? Are you rich? What makes a person wealthy? In the words of the late Archbishop Thomas Murphy, “What do you own, and what owns you?” When it comes to stewardship of treasure, it will help for us to think about the foundation of stewardship: all we are and have come from God; to be a good … Continued

Tim’s Topics: Stewardship and Christmas and Turning the World Upside Down

For women in the ancient world, motherhood was prized and desired above almost all else. Sacred scripture tells of many women who pleaded with God to let them conceive. From Sarah, the mother of Isaac, to Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, the Bible is replete with women who finally, in their old age, were granted the … Continued