The dispensation is being lifted The obligation to attend Mass will begin June 5-6.

 Please see the attached letter from the Archbishop. Lifting-Dispensation-letter-.pdf CATHOLIC CONFERENCE OF OHIO  9 E. Long Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 614-224-7147 The Bishops of Ohio Announce the Lifting of the Dispensation from the Obligation to attend Holy Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation May 13, 2021 As we move beyond the worst … Continued

An update from the Archbishop

  Office of the Archbishop 513.263.6612   March 15, 2021 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Peace be with you this Lenten season. This has been a most unusual and difficult year for all of us. A year ago at this time, none of us envisioned the anxiety, illnesses, deaths, and other losses that … Continued

LIGHT Ministry becomes JOY Ministry

L.I.G.H.T. – Living In God’s Help Together becomes the JOY Ministry St. Ann Senior Outreach Due to the pandemic, our LIGHT luncheons for the shut-ins and seniors has gone MOBILE!  They cannot come to us so we will go to them.  We have delivered for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine’s Day so far.  Next on the … Continued

Faith, Hope & Healing

What a year this has been!  Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we’ve faced illness and anxiety and even death.  We have endured job loss and economic hardship.  And we have, most tragically, had to do all of this while being physically separated from one another, and for many, from our parish community.  I have missed … Continued

Family Praying the Rosary

We’ve all heard, “the family that prays together stays together,” but how do we put that plan in motion? Most families say Grace before meals, but what else can we do? Consider saying a Rosary. The Rosary is a wonderful way to ask for God’s help and Mary’s intercession. You may find it difficult to … Continued

Fr John is leaving October 5th.

Fr John is leaving October 5th. The article says it best, he has become a part of our Saint Ann family and it is sad to see him go. He is going home to his family though and have to wish him well. Thank you Fr John for all you did while you were here … Continued

WE HEARD YOU, THANK YOU! Starting July 1!!

We heard you!  Mass schedule changes starting JULY 1. Survey on Ad Orientem – Thank you! Recently, we sent out a survey on Ad Orientem (which in Latin means – “to the east”), via *Flocknotes, on some Masses that were offered a couple weeks ago. The term Ad Orientem refers to the direction the priest … Continued

WE’RE BACK!!! Archbisop’s Letter for Re-opening of Mass

RESUMPTION OF PUBLIC WORSHIP (COVID-19) Public worship may begin in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati on Monday, May 25. Each parish/region should offer at least one public Mass daily. Pastors may determine whether it is necessary and prudent to celebrate more than one Mass on Saturday and Sunday. The Catholic faithful who reside in the Archdiocese … Continued