Men – a call to join Christ Renews His Parish !

Men – a call to join Christ Renews His Parish ! Do you ever feel alone in your spiritual journey? Are you even experiencing a spiritual journey to Christ? Christ Renews His Parish is a fellowship of parishioners (separate groups for men and women) that can help enhance your spiritual life. Men and women establish … Continued

What is Love by Parishioner Lorri McNickle

Photo Credit: Flickr/Kevin Simmons/Mayberry Health and Home/ (Copied from, Love is such a basic word, used frequently and also very misunderstood, over-utilized and a term very much perverted in our culture and society. We confuse the idea of love with so many things that are very far from the virtue of love that … Continued

Could You Use “Alone Time” with Jesus?

You may remember, when growing up, going to church for 40 hours devotion during Lent. You were asked to give one hour of your time with the Eucharist. Exposition is adoring and honoring the Eucharistic Presence of Christ. As Catholics, we believe that Christ is truly present in the Eucharist and should be given extra … Continued

Fasting During Lent

Ash Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2018, and Good Friday, Mar. 30, 2018 are days of abstinence from meat and also days of fast, that is, limited to a single full meal. The other Fridays of the season of Lent are days of abstinence from meat. The law of abstinence binds all Catholics 14 years and older. The law of fasting binds all … Continued

Do you remember giving up an hour during Lent?

Some may remember when they were growing up going to church for 40 hours devotion during Lent in which you were asked to give one hour of your time with the Eucharist. Exposition is adoring or honoring the Eucharistic Presence of Christ. During Eucharistic Adoration, we worship the Eucharistic Jesus.  As Catholics, we believe that … Continued

Mission Week is coming… Reserve time for this blessed event

Mission Week is coming… Reserve time for this blessed event. Monday – Thursday, February 5th – 8th. We are very pleased to have Fr. Ben Cameron of The Fathers of Mercy here to lead the mission. The primary Apostolate of The Fathers of Mercy is preaching parish missions and retreats. The emphasis will be on the Sacraments … Continued

We Have Lost Our Story by Lorrie McNickle

The Catholic Papacy’s apostolic succession is one of if not the oldest institution of succession in the history of the world.  How did a Church with a First Pope who actually denied even knowing Christ during his lifetime, along with a gang of other misfits who were mostly uneducated, poor, working class and simple people … Continued

Mother Teresa of Calcutta and the “Express Novena” by John Young

…I was also extremely blessed to meet Mother Teresa on several occasions. On one occasion, I had the opportunity to repair her rosary, which had broken in two. Presumably from so much use. On another occasion I was able to sit alone with her in the chapel for about 15 minutes. We conversed about my vocation and … Continued

Pray in the presence of Jesus just as Mary and the Apostles did

Father Tony, a past associate pastor at St. Ann’s, started his homily about finding Jesus as a child in the temple with a joke.  Father Tony started his homily by saying he could imagine Joseph saying to Mary “I do not care if he is God.  When I get a hold of that child for … Continued