Men – a call to know, love and serve Christ!

Do you remember this question from your Catechism:  Why did God make you?  Do you remember the answer?  “God made me to know Him, to love Him, and to serve Him in this world, and to be happy with Him forever in heaven”. The Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) for men can help re-energize your … Continued

It has been five years the Hispanic Ministry has been part of St. Ann parish

It has been five years since Father McCarthy said yes to a Latino man’s request, “Can we have a place at St. Ann to pray and worship our Lord?” Many parishioners have ancestors who immigrated to the U.S. a long time ago. At that time, churches were built for each nationality – German, English, Irish, Italian, and the like.  Today, individual … Continued

Corpus Christi with Eucharistic Procession, June 3rd

Corpus Christi with Eucharistic Procession, June 3rd In commemoration of the Last Supper the day before Jesus’ crucifixion – also referred to as the “Body and Blood of Christ”. Mass times are Saturday 4:00 vigil, Sunday 8:00 am, 9:45 am and 11:30 am. After the 11:30, there will be a Eucharistic Procession in which all … Continued

The March 22nd “History of the Church” presented by Father McCarthy

Father McCarthy had a very good, well attended “History of the Church” program in which he discussed The Birth, Growth, and Development of the Church. He wanted everyone to go beyond the stories of Jesus and the Apostles and see what happened after them. The following link is to his March 22nd class in which … Continued

Are YOU on Course?

Photo Credit: Flickr/David Howard (Article copied from; http: Everyone is at a different place on their journeys. I keep hearing people make this proclamation. I’m not sure though that I agree with their point, or the point that they are trying to defend, or the people no less they are trying to defend. When someone … Continued

A Paycheck from God by Parishioner Lorri McNickle

(Copied from, I don’t know about you, but the gospel reading about the laborers, makes me a bit uncomfortable. I can certainly relate to the ill feelings the workers who toiled all day long and received the same amount of pay as the workers who toiled for but a mere hour or less … Continued

What is Love by Parishioner Lorri McNickle

Photo Credit: Flickr/Kevin Simmons/Mayberry Health and Home/ (Copied from, Love is such a basic word, used frequently and also very misunderstood, over-utilized and a term very much perverted in our culture and society. We confuse the idea of love with so many things that are very far from the virtue of love that … Continued

We Have Lost Our Story by Lorrie McNickle

The Catholic Papacy’s apostolic succession is one of if not the oldest institution of succession in the history of the world.  How did a Church with a First Pope who actually denied even knowing Christ during his lifetime, along with a gang of other misfits who were mostly uneducated, poor, working class and simple people … Continued

Pray in the presence of Jesus just as Mary and the Apostles did

Father Tony, a past associate pastor at St. Ann’s, started his homily about finding Jesus as a child in the temple with a joke.  Father Tony started his homily by saying he could imagine Joseph saying to Mary “I do not care if he is God.  When I get a hold of that child for … Continued