It’s a Win Win with your Kroger Plus Card

Please consider registering your Kroger Plus Card to help support our parish. By using your Plus Card, Kroger rewards you with lower prices on your grocery items. For those shoppers who have registered their card to our parish, Kroger rewards St. Ann with a percentage of your purchases. It’s a great plan for all of … Continued


Guidelines and procedures seem to change on a daily or most definitely, a weekly basis.  We want to share with you the guidelines and procedures that will be in place upon our return to public Masses.  These guidelines and procedures will be updated in accordance with the instructions of both the governmental agencies/authorities and the … Continued

Looking Ahead

We know Sacred Scripture is vital to our salvation, but how can we learn to understand the teachings? On the third and fourth weeks of Advent, December 15 and 22, Father McCarthy will present a two-part series on Understanding the Bible. It’s easy to go through the motions, but not really understand why we do what we do. On January 5 … Continued

Do you know the names of your parish council?

St. Ann Parish Council members were installed by Father McCarthy at the October meeting. The members are: Sally Blessing, Greg Bredestegge, Kelly Clifford, Julie Duwell, Jason Mattingly, Brenda McClanahan, Larry McNickle, Debbie Nagel and Henry Sajnog. St. Ann is fortunate to have so many dedicated parishioners on our Parish Council. When you see them, please take a moment to thank them … Continued

Our Parish Finances, Fiscal Year 2018 – 2019

In addition to our Parish Address, the following is a brief summary regarding financial happenings within St. Ann Parish. The vitality of our parish was in full display over the past fiscal year as we implemented an Increased Offertory Program, made major improvements to the church and Legacy Garden, continued to grow the Mass+… program, and our debt … Continued

Our “amazing” parish annual address and update.

We re-cap in our annual “Parish Address” how things have gone this past year and what we look forward to in the future. Listen in to the steps our Saint Ann parish staff is taking to make us an amazing parish.

Learn more about our NEIGHBORHOOD NETWORKS

If you have attended some of the meetings that spoke about the Neighborhood Networks (NN), you have an idea of what this initiative is about. As a part of our Generosity, Prayer, Service process, these NN will enable us to identify and assist fellow St. Ann Parishioners that we have lost touch with and connect with fellow parishioners. … Continued

We applaud the following St. Ann High School Honor Roll students

We applaud the following St. Ann High School Honor Roll students: LaSalle 4th Quarter: Noah Blessing, Jeremy Boggess, Alex Braun, Anthony D’Amica, Garrett Hasson, Johnathon Kroger, Joseph Kroger, Justin Petrocelli, Kean Schnieber, Joshua Shaw, Logan Tabor, and Thomas Williams St. Xavier 2nd Semester: Alexander Baier, Nathan Baier, John Reid III, Jeremy Roenker, Eric Ruter, and Zachary Spears. McAuley 2md Semester: Kristiana Bourbeau, … Continued