Wow, a lot is going to be happening in and around the church over the next couple of weeks. Starting on Monday, June 3, they will begin to frame up the North and South walls in church that are currently cinder block. Then they will adjust the electric boxes, start hanging the drywall, and then start the … Continued

A Stewardship Message From The Upper Room

The Upper Room in Scripture has always held a very sacred place in Catholics’ hearts. We imagine this candlelit dwelling in Jerusalem as providing a home for weary travelers and an address for those who needed to find them. We step into the room with all four Gospel writers and they give us a glimpse into the … Continued

Generosity, Prayer, Service (GPS) THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY!

We asked you to prayerfully consider an increase to your Sunday offerings, and what a great response. You received a mailer that illustrated that 49% (actually over 50%) of you responded back! Thank you! Many people made significant increases and many people were not able to increase their offering at this time. We do understand that everyone’s situation is different. Most of those … Continued


Many ingredients of the spirituality of stewardship are counterintuitive. None more so than this: “Stewardship is based on the need of the giver to give more than on the need of the receiver to receive.” Most of us have been conditioned to be need-based givers. If someone has a need they should present their case and, if … Continued

Generosity Prayer Service

You will be receiving a final report for our Increased Offertory Program in the mail in the near future. We thank everyone who considered and the many who did increase their giving to the parish. As a part of that process, many people asked if there were “special needs” or projects that they could contribute to in … Continued

Do you know what direction Saint Ann is going when we say G.P.S.

We hope you realize when we at Saint Ann say G.P.S. we are talking about… Generosity.     Prayer.     Service. Generosity of our time, talents and treasure are all elements of our journey as Christians. You have seen several appeals, should we say opportunities, to share these gifts recently. Please take the time to really invest in one of … Continued

Remembering Our Departed Loved Ones

In May we are introducing a new section on the back of the bulletin called In Loving Memory. This special section will be devoted to remembering our deceased loved ones. The cost to participate in this memorial section is $60 per name (married couple is considered one name), and these names will remain in the bulletin for one full year (52 weeks). … Continued

7 Financial Vices or Luxuries to Give Up for Lent

Since studies show that it takes about 3 weeks to form or break a habit, this can be a great opportunity to form some good financial habits or break some bad ones. Here are 7 financial vices or luxuries to consider giving up for Lent: Smoking: At the very least, you may eventually be able to pay lower premiums on … Continued

The Prayer from our Stewardship presentation: The Long View

Pray with us: “It helps, now and then, to step back and take a long view. The kingdom is not only beyond our efforts, it is even beyond our vision. We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction of the magnificent enterprise that is God’s work. Nothing we do is complete, which is a way of saying that … Continued