Jesus Is Waiting For You at Eucharistic Exposition

Sacrifice in Jesus’ time was part of the Jewish tradition.  Jews would make trips to the temple with money, harvest and animals to pay homage to God as a show of their faith.  And, they believed God would reward their faith and sacrifice.  Abraham was even willing to sacrifice his son to assure God of … Continued

Christy’s Calendar Corner: Experience Thanksgiving Day Mass 8:30am

As Catholics, we have learned the spirit of giving and reminded of it often as we approach Thanksgiving and the Christmas Season. We are blessed and called on to share our blessings in our “Service to Others”. There are two corner stones to our Catholic beliefs, though. “Service to Others” and “Community”. In addition to … Continued

Sweetest Day, this year October 21st, had its origins in simple service to others

Comments about Sweetest Day, or for that matter Valentine’s Day and sometimes even Christmas, are often times about their commercialization. Hallmark Holidays some people call them. Yet, we know their origins could mean so much more. The holiday that has the obvious connection to our Catholic roots is Christmas. We are constantly being reminded that … Continued

Christy’s Corner: 40 Hours of Devotion

And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age (matthew 28:20) Have you ever participated in an event where you looked around, saw all the other people and felt something special inside because you were there too? There is just something re-assuring knowing you are a part of something special. For … Continued

Christy’s Corner: Remembering the Saint Ann Fall Festival

You looked forward to and enjoyed the festivals growing up as a member of Saint Ann. The Fall festivals hold special memories as you saw the Saint Ann community coming together for food, fun and fellowship. You can not help but have a great time seeing adults mingling and children playing together. The food and … Continued