Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

Saint Matthew’s story of the baptism of Jesus is an appropriate scripture reading to reflect on our own baptism. Jesus’ baptism has been understood as a symbol of His death. Baptism is the sacrament by which we die to an old life of sin and enter a new life of grace. We “put on Christ.” To be … Continued

Embracing a Steward’s Mindset for the Coming Year

Christian stewards may very well interpret the greeting “Happy New Year” to mean: “I hope and pray for you a joyous year ahead in proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ!” If we are to interpret this cheery salutation in that way, should we not consider similar greetings throughout the year? “Happy New Day!” In the lyrics … Continued


For this year’s 6 Challenges that came out of this year’s Parish Convocation, we have established 3 Implementation Teams to address and solve the challenges. The I-Teams got started last week and we wanted to be sure that everyone knew that you are welcome to get involved in the process. The Teams and the challenges they are addressing … Continued


The number one challenge that every church faces today is how do we get our young families and youth involved in the life of the parish. St. Ann is no different. During our Engagement Process, this challenge was identified as our greatest challenge by a wide margin. The reality of this challenge is that the Parish used … Continued

Diana Recker, our parish secretary is retiring after 27 years

27 years is a long time working at one place and we were both fortunate and grateful for that time Diana dedicated to Saint Ann’s. However, Diana Recker, the parish secretary, is retiring end of the year. You will see her at Mass so please join us in saying Congratulations!!! And , if possible join … Continued

Advent – A Season of Hope

Advent is a time of waiting and expectation; a season of quiet anticipation and preparation. We are waiting for our Lord to come into the world as the baby Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem. We are also preparing for His return, His second coming as the shepherd-king, to restore harmony and right … Continued

A grateful heart heralds the beginning of discipleship

In the United States, Thanksgiving Day is a holiday that is among the nation’s finest national traditions. For Christian stewards, Thanksgiving Day has special meaning, for we know that gratitude lies at the very heart of stewardship. A grateful heart heralds the beginning of discipleship and opens the way to our deepest response, the desire to return to God for the bounty … Continued

Solve the Saint Ann Challenge

At our recent Parish Convocation, those in attendance broke out into small groups and offered ways to Solve the Challenges. We are putting together all the ideas and solutions that were brought forth. We wanted to share the 6 Challenges that we are addressing: How can we engage and encourage the young families of our parish, and … Continued


A convocation (from the Latin convocare meaning “to call/come together,” a translation of the Greek (ekklēsia) is a group of people formally assembled for a special purpose, mostly ecclesiastical or academic. We are having our Parish Convocation on October 30, 2019 beginning at 6:30 p.m. starting in the church. Our “special purpose” is to update you on all … Continued